Anna Taylor

“Dear Timothy Tracey,

I have seen you film ‘Feast or Famine’ twice and I am very impressed.

This documentary about Nova Scotian family farms (focusing on the South Shore) is very timely. The demand for locally grown organic food and farmers’ markets (51 of them currently in NS) is exploding here and in the U.S. There are more and more people who make the connection between their own health, the health of the environment and wholesome local food grown without chemicals. Not to mention its great taste!

It’s not just the content of your film that I enjoyed. It’s also the style, the cinematography. So many filmmakers today turn up the speed of the action and pile on the gimmickry. The fact that you let the farmers and the vendors speak for themselves, that you focused on their faces, that you used these wonderful close-ups was so respectful, so effective and so surprisingly riveting. This kind of maturity and restraint is pretty remarkable in a young filmmaker.

I wish you all the best and look forward to seeing more of your films.”

Yours truly,

Anna Taylor MA, MEd, CCC
Psychotherapist (retired)

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